5. Festival FUGA, prvi in edini mednarodni festival v Sloveniji, ki v fokus postavlja gledališke predstave ter glasbene dogodke umetniških akademij in šol iz Evrope, bo potekal od 10. do 15. julija 2024 v Gledališču Koper in ostalih lokacijah. / The 5th FUGA Festival, Slovenia’s leading international festival highlighting theatrical performances and musical events from artistic academies and schools across Europe, is set to take place from 10th to 15th July 2024 at the Koper Theatre and other venues.

Za sodelovanje na festivalu je potrebna prijava. Prijava je namenjena umetniškim akademijam šolam in je odprta do 29. februarja 2024. / To participate in the festival, an application is necessary. Registration is available to artistic academies and schools until 29th February 2024.

Za dodatne informacije pišite na / For additional information, kindly contact info@fugafestival.com.

Prijavite se lahko tukaj. / You can apply here.