grzybobranie/ ZIMA NUKLEARNA / mushrooming/ NUCLEAR WINTER
Akademija za gledališko umetnost v Krakovu (PL) / AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow (PL)Trajanje | 140 min |
Piotr M. Wach razširja svojo performativno in koreografsko prakso z vključitvijo izgovorjene besede. V svojem režijskem prvencu Wach občinstvu ponuja vrsto meditativnih doživetij, v katerih se besedilo in gibanje združujeta v organski pulz. Ta intimna igra je obogatena z glasbo in vizualizacijami, ki so ustvarjene v živo, avtobiografski narativni gibi pa predstavi dodajajo pristno realističnost.
Piotr M. Wach expands his performative and choreographic practice by including the medium of the word. As his directorial debut Wach offers the audience a kind of a meditative experience, in which text and movement compose in an organic pulse. This intimate play is enriched by music and visualisations created live, and the autobiographic narrative gesture adds a feature realism to the event.
Režiser in avtor/Director and author
Piotr Mateusz Wach
Avtor glasbe/Compositor
Michał Smajdor
Scenograf in oblikovalec svetlobe/Set and light designer
Kuba Kotynia
Kostumografka/Costume designer
Kamila Wdowska
Snemalec videov/Videographer
Jakub Katarzyński
Oblikovalec giba/Choreographer
Mateusz Strawa
Dr. Szymon Czacki, Dr. Maria Spiss
Oliwia Durczak, Adam Paczkowski, Maksymilian Piotrowski, Katarzyna Skowron, Błażej Szymański