Ljubezen – Kulturni maraton Gimnazije Koper

Prejete nagrade

Nagrada 1
Spiff up your work with our random beer Lorem Ipsum generator. Designs can be incomplete without text to fill them and normal placeholder text (filler text) can be boring. Give your designs that extra buzz by using something thats been around as long as people have. Beer!
Nagrada 2
Spiff up your work with our random beer Lorem Ipsum generator. Designs can be incomplete without text to fill them and normal placeholder text (filler text) can be boring. Give your designs that extra buzz by using something thats been around as long as people have. Beer!
Nagrada 4
Spiff up your work with our random beer Lorem Ipsum generator. Designs can be incomplete without text to fill them and normal placeholder text (filler text) can be boring. Give your designs that extra buzz by using something thats been around as long as people have. Beer!
Nagrada 3
Spiff up your work with our random beer Lorem Ipsum generator. Designs can be incomplete without text to fill them and normal placeholder text (filler text) can be boring. Give your designs that extra buzz by using something thats been around as long as people have. Beer!

Kmalu na naših odrih

Doživite najboljše v našem gledališču. Naš raznolik spored ponuja za vsakogar nekaj. Pridružite se nam na nepozabnih predstavah.

Občasnik Gledga

Publikacija, ki bralce seznanja z dogajanjem v Gledališču Koper, obenem pa uprizoritvam v produkciji našega gledališča služi kot gledališki list.

Abonmaji 2024/2025

Podajte se na gledališko popotovanje z našo ponudbo abonmajev. Pridružite se nam danes v svetu dramskih čudes!!

Naš ansambel in ostali sodelavci

Spoznajte ustvarjalne sile našega gledališkega ansambla in naše cenjene sodelavce. Skupaj ustvarjamo nepozabna doživetja na naših odrih.